Monday, April 22, 2013

Now What?

Now what?? I’m on a Diet for LIFE! (I say that all the time. It drives my friends crazy.)

Now that you know my celiac's how the beginning of the rest of my gluten-less life happened and is still happening....

Well it was hard and sometimes It still very hard when I can't have a normal priced pizza or Cuban pastries. I could list all the food I miss the most but then I will just make you hungry and make myself upset.

The grieving stages (anger, depressed, acceptance)

Angry & depressed
Looking back I wish I could have told y’all that I kicked butt at this GLUTEN FREE LIFE from day one.
The first couple of months living Gluten free I was completely lost. I felt so alone. I thought to myself… “Nobody knows what it feels like to have celiac disease” (all that cry me a a violin type of attitude...Not my finest hour.)  I was so angry that I couldn't eat anything I would normally eat. So I stuck to salad mixed with tuna and GF Italian dressing. The smell of bread disgusted me to the point I couldn’t walk down the bread aisle in the supermarket. Don’t even get me started on how many times I ruined RICE PASTA!!!!! (I still do…I make corn pasta instead.) I would cry in the middle of a restaurant if a they messed up my order. I was a serious mess!!!! (I apologize now to all my friends and family who had to deal with me during my crisis.) It was a dark time for me.(I know it sounds dramatic but seriously it was.) (At this point you are either thinking I’m a complete nut or you feel my pain.)  well if you knew me before Celiac disease you would know.... I LOVE FOOD and trying new foods. My freedom of food was taken from me I was so angry and depressed. Normally when people get depressed they eat? What the heck was I suppose to do??  Be depressed and starve!? yup and for the first couple of months thats exactly what I did.
I slowly started accepting celiac disease. I checked out websites such as.             

I goggled everything! (still do)
I got a whole bunch of apps for my iPhone.
And books :) I did my best learning as much as I could. I mean it's my life I got to live it right?

  I also joined a support group
 (They broke up quick I have no idea why) it was nice having people understand what was going on. It was nice to feel like I wasn't alone. That is why I have created this blog. Just so you can feel a sense of support and understanding. I hope this blog helps.

I promise my next blog will be longer
Xoxo Eli

*-Tell me your thoughts-* what would you like to read about?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My celiac story...

I was Diagnosed with Celiac disease in May 2009
and this is MY Celiac Story:
The problem started way before I ever went to the doctor and my symptoms only worsened as the years passed. I want to say I started getting sick when I was 15 years old, but I over looked it because I figured it was just me being cautious about my weight. In October 2008 (20 years old) I went to the doctor because I was constantly having shooting pains across my stomach and chest. I told her I was throwing up and in constant pain. My doctor had no clue what was going on and said “hey, maybe its acid reflex.” So she gave me medication for acid reflex and sent me on my way. The medicine didn’t work… (Well did you expect it to work?) I continued having issues such as Vomiting, constipation, bloating, ect. Honestly it's not something I would brag about . I hated constantly running to the bathroom after I ate one point I thought "am I pregnant what the heck is wrong with me?”
In April 2009 I found a new doctor (a Gastroenterologist) who saved my gluten-filled life! I remember it like It was yesterday...we sat down in a small room and I listed all of my symptoms 

+ Abdominal cramping
+ Intestinal gas
+ bloating in my stomach
+ Diarrhea
+ Constipation
+ Large weight gain (even though I was throwing up) 
+ migraines and headaches
+ weakness 
+ Joint pain 
+burping (alllllll the time)
+ vomiting

And more I remember the paper was filled from top to bottom.
He told me it sounds like you have an allergy. We're going to need to run some test. The next week I went back for my upper endoscopy (basically they stick a small camera down your throat and check out what's going on in your body)
I woke up from my procedure screaming "I had a dream!!!" Lol I'll never forget the look on their faces. The nurse came over and handed me a grape juice box. Shortly after my doctor came to my side with the news....he said "I noticed some irritation in your stomach you may have celiac disease.... (Doctor say what????) He started explaining the irritation in my body and said he would be sending me to quest diagnostics for some blood work. then we can confirm that it is or isn't celiac disease.
After going to quest 5x's no Exaggeration and my blood work was complete ( test IGA and IGG ) the doctor called me and confirmed what I already knew deep down in my heart...."Elizabeth you have celiac disease all you need to do is cut gluten out of your diet and you will be better" (2 weeks before my 21st birthday) NOW WHAT??????? I guess I just have to be Gluten Free…Easier said the done. Stay tune for my next blog 
xox Eli
 Ps. I would love to read about your celiac stories or gluten free adventures feel free to email me at