Monday, October 14, 2013

Gluten Free Candy

***18 days Until Halloween!***.  

How crazy is it that this year has flown by. It's mid- October !!!! I'm still trying to keep up!

There's so much going on in my life I haven't had time to blog and be connected with you all my wonderful support in this gluten filled world. I apologize for that. 
In 18 days it will be Halloween aka TIME FOR candy! 
In my office it's always time for candy =) lol ! 
I came across this list from and I thought I should share it with y'all !
How great is this list? Amazing right ! 
If you don't find a candy you are looking for GOOGLE it!!!!! Don't eat it because you think it's safe it because you know it's safe !
Better safe than sorry !
gluten free candy list.
in this case sharing is caring!
  feel free to email me -->
instagram Eliphant717
PS: www.Glutenfreewitheli.blogspot.comis moving to <---- the truth is I need to figure out how to post on there haha! I know GET TO STEPPIN ELI!!!! I will make it mission but until then you can read on here.