Happy CELIAC DISEASE Awareness day!
As you all know Today is Celiac awareness day... well in my world that is everyday!!!
I constantly live ...eat...breath...read....watch....gluten free and celiac everyday!
I'm not alone in that journey anymore.
I feel so blessed having such awesome people in my life...they help me educate others. There are times where I have to stick up for myself but it's gotten easier.
all we can do is EDUCATE<----
Don't Stress
Just know you are not alone :)
feel free to email me --> Eli.felix717@gmail.com
instagram Eliphant717
instagram Eliphant717
PS: www.Glutenfreewitheli.blogspot.comis moving to www.glutenfreewitheli.com <---- the truth is I need to figure out how to post on there haha! I know GET TO STEPPIN ELI!!!! I will make it mission but until then you can read on here.