Friday, December 20, 2013

THE Crock Pot Love

STEP ONE: Purchase a Crockpot.



STEP TWO: Purchase a cook book.

STEP 3 : Post , post it note all the recipes you would like to make. ( okay, maybe you don't have to do that. if you are Crazy like me DO IT!!!! HAHA no pressure )



I promised I'd share my Crock pot experience with you... so far its a godsend.... really!

Working two jobs and trying to figure out what to eat is challenging enough.....but add Celiac in the mix and you've got one Hungry little Eli!

any way my point is these things are amazing!!!

I went to work on Tuesday from 5-10 and My chicken with mojo was cooking on low. bam it was an amazing lunch for Wednesday. and for Wednesday night dinner I cooked it while I was at my first job from 7-3 on low. steak and mojo. Trust me when I say AMAZING!!! (lol I realize I have said that already)

(pardon me I forgot to take pictures of the chicken)

                          ( I also forgot to take a picture of the end product)

There is one final recipe I'd like to share it's actually from the book I posted above .

I actually left it cooking on low for 10 hours and it came out Juicy I was sad when it was over.

CROCK POT Gluten free Mango and lime chicken


4 boneless chicken breast

1/3 lime juice

3 table spoons  of orange juice

1 large peeled mango


Add all ingredients to the crock pot  on high 3-4 hours

                                                                                Or low  6-8 hours


Serve chicken over Rice or Gluten free pasta J



It’s simple and delish!


Thank you for taking the time and reading my blog :)


Happy Holidays!

God Bless!

 xoxoxo ELI
instagram :Eliphant717

Twitter: shortlittleeli


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