Thursday, August 29, 2013

Outward reactions

Outward reactions ARE real<----
We don't all have them....But I'd just like to address it.

I am in a  support group on Facebook and I asked the women....
"How many of you have dealt with outward reactions?"
you would be surprised at what they all had to say.
to sum it up at least 10 of the women that responded said "yes in one shape or form they have had them."

For example:
  • Age spots
  • Puffy eyes
  • Rash
  • Canker sores
  • Hair loss
  • Dermatitis
  • Edema
  • Itchy irratation
Sympotoms vary.... but those are a few OUTWARD REACTIONS.

 I read someone's blog and I was mad because they said we don't have outward reactions ....
(I'm sorry but everyone is different so her  writing that isn't helping a new person trying to figure out what to eat and what to do now that they have been diagnosed with celiac disease) And they even Quoted a "doctor" who said we don't have reactions!
ummm okay???!!! lets pause for a second.
I don't know if y'all remember my rant from a couple weeks back about doctors.
Here's a refresher. THEY AREN'T ALWAYS RIGHT!

I'm not saying that I am always right but I am saying I know my body!
I know when what happens when gluten has touched my body.

I put on a brand of gluten filled lipstick and my mouth turned into the nutty professor....
I put on gluten filled mascara and my eyes wouldn't stop running .....
I used gluten filled shampoo and my head literally was on fire.
 my reactions started after my body was clean from gluten.
I'd say about 2 years after I was diagnosed .
I just want to urge you stop and think...maybe the reason you are feeling off one day is
Be cause you used a GLUTEN filled lotion or whatever.

Don't you want your body to feel good ?
I don't know you all and I want your bodies to feel good!

Please be AWARE  of what you use.
ALWAYS read labels .
Go that extra mile for yourself!

Thank you for taking the time and reading my blog.

Xo eli
Ps:I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories!
please dont stop :)
PS: www.Glutenfreewitheli.blogspot.comis moving to