Wednesday, May 15, 2013

R & R ( Ranting And Raving)

 :: Rant #1  ::

Pet lovers You know who you are!
It irritates me when Pet owners care more about what there animal eats...then what they eat....I mean about 90% of people with celiac have NO IDEA that the have celiac disease in the first place. So when I'm switching television stations and i come across a dog food or cat food commercial I want to scream!!!!!! Especially when the voice over lady says "do you know what's In Your dogs food ....yada yada yada GLUTEN...yada yada yada.....excuses me did she really just say that?!?!?!
Are they serious ????? Dog food has gluten ? 
Well lets not feed our pets gluten but let's go to a fast food restaurant  and eat as much gluten as we can! 
I can't speak for everyone with Celiac problems ....but really people it can get annoying when you don't care for your own bodies! 

::  Rant 2  ::

Our Food is not TERRIBLE. sometimes it can be gross but then again so can gluten filled be nice don't rub it in our gluten free faces that we can't have CUBAN BREAD????? don't Say...."your food tastes like cardboard. Have some empathy!
There are times where I want to go on strike because I cant eat Gluten and there are times where I just want to cry BUT over the years (for the most part)I have Embraced my Gluten Free Life.

::  Rant 3  ::

Short an sweet......
I HATE READING LABELS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL THE TIME !!!!! ( LOL I really do) how do I know what to look I've said this in all my blogs Gluten is in everything! Well it is. 
thank you Sweet Jesus for my Iphone and google.
nuff said.

::  Rant 4  ::
even shorter...
Eating Gluten free is not a fad for people with CELIAC !
It's not going anywhere!

::  Rant 5  ::
Last but not least
When you go to the store and purchase something Labeled Gluten free and when you get home you notice that it says the product was processed in a WHEAT FACILITY! ARE YOU SERIOUS?????
Why the heck does it even say GLUTEN FREE ON THE BOX ?

the purpose of my R&R is to OPEN YOUR EYES!
to my fellow Celiacs YOU are NOT Alone.
to my friends and strangers that are reading because they rock (It's just to give you a better understanding to my MADNESS)

thank you for letting Me vent.


*-Tell me your thoughts what makes you mad about celiac  what have you embraced? -* what would you like to read about?
