Friday, December 20, 2013

THE Crock Pot Love

STEP ONE: Purchase a Crockpot.



STEP TWO: Purchase a cook book.

STEP 3 : Post , post it note all the recipes you would like to make. ( okay, maybe you don't have to do that. if you are Crazy like me DO IT!!!! HAHA no pressure )



I promised I'd share my Crock pot experience with you... so far its a godsend.... really!

Working two jobs and trying to figure out what to eat is challenging enough.....but add Celiac in the mix and you've got one Hungry little Eli!

any way my point is these things are amazing!!!

I went to work on Tuesday from 5-10 and My chicken with mojo was cooking on low. bam it was an amazing lunch for Wednesday. and for Wednesday night dinner I cooked it while I was at my first job from 7-3 on low. steak and mojo. Trust me when I say AMAZING!!! (lol I realize I have said that already)

(pardon me I forgot to take pictures of the chicken)

                          ( I also forgot to take a picture of the end product)

There is one final recipe I'd like to share it's actually from the book I posted above .

I actually left it cooking on low for 10 hours and it came out Juicy I was sad when it was over.

CROCK POT Gluten free Mango and lime chicken


4 boneless chicken breast

1/3 lime juice

3 table spoons  of orange juice

1 large peeled mango


Add all ingredients to the crock pot  on high 3-4 hours

                                                                                Or low  6-8 hours


Serve chicken over Rice or Gluten free pasta J



It’s simple and delish!


Thank you for taking the time and reading my blog :)


Happy Holidays!

God Bless!

 xoxoxo ELI
instagram :Eliphant717

Twitter: shortlittleeli


is moving to

Monday, December 16, 2013

20th post

I'm sorry ....I've been gone for a while...I was hoping to have up and running ....sorry I'm still working out how to transfer my post.



Here's something that's been bugging me lately...

It's really disgusting to me that people make fun of people who are gluten free because of celiac disease ...but if they aren't eating fish ...or peanuts ...or whatever else are well known's all okay in the world to them!!!! They choose not to be educated ._. Celiac disease is not an allergy! And the only cure to celiac disease is eating 100% gluten you honestly think we want to spend 10Xs more on food for fun!!!!! Noooooo buddy .... We have feelings just like the next person ...we get sad because we can't share the same pleasures of a papa johns pizza.


just so you know
I'm grateful for those who show empathy & understanding towards the struggles of being gluten free because of CELIAC DISEASE .


On a bright note ...

I'm making gluten free lip balm and will be posting it on etsy.

so far I have only posted one color.....I will be working on them on my next day off so keep an eye out :)


merry Christmas Celiac fam <3 i love you all .....


I am keeping it super short but I will be posting some crock pot recipes that came out amazing later on this week :)



Xo eli

Ps:I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories!

please don't stop :)
instagram :Eliphant717

Twitter: shortlittleeli


is moving to

Monday, October 21, 2013

To each his own (But Please Don't CHEAT)

Sometimes I read articles and I'm just befuddled by what they say about GlutenFree living. Then I wonder WHO COMES UP WITH THIS STUFF? What's Real? What's Fake? Who Can you TRUST?
It's So Tough to have Celiac Disease. WHY? you might ask....Well BECAUSE EVEN DOCTORS DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. (sometimes even I don't know what I'm talking about....BUT I do know my Body.)

 I guess all we can do is take what we believe is right and leave the rest behind. 
 For instance I have outward  reactions but other people don't.
(every ones symptom's vary I still urge you to be careful and don't risk using any type of gluten products even if it is just lotion or shaving cream.)
Some people react by smelling, some people react by feeling, some people get paranoid for being in the same room with flour or any other type of gluten . To each his own<--
it's a scary thing having gluten inside our bodies. We don't ever want to feel that way. we don't ever want to have that inside us.(at least I DON'T)(I'm speaking for the ones that don't cheat)
I don't cheat I have not had gluten on purpose in the last five years .... Scratch that in my dreams I have Papa John's pizzas at least once a week lol ...okay seriously
 Sometimes I get so frustrated because I don't feel people with celiac disease take it serious...just like the people who don't have it and don't take it serious... it makes me sad.

If I believe something contains gluten I will not go near it .
If I have to make my nephew fish sticks(gluten filled) and touch them to see if they are ready I'll clean my hands like someone with OCD. (celiac problems)
 I will go to the store and buy my mom regular bread (but I can't stand the smell it makes me nauseous) I honestly think it just brings back bad memories from when I was sick all the time and unable to keep my food down. I don't get mad anymore when people are eating gluten around me (mad as in jealous) hey non GF people have a right to eat whatever they want. I just ask that you take the time to become educated. What is Celiac disease ?

you never know you may have to help a friend or family member one day.
1 in 131 people have celiac disease. I was told it may be 1 in 100 people now. Just an fyi.
that's all for now.
thank you for reading.

Xo eli
Ps:I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories!
please don't stop :)
instagram :Eliphant717

Twitter: shortlittleeli
is moving to

Monday, October 14, 2013

Gluten Free Candy

***18 days Until Halloween!***.  

How crazy is it that this year has flown by. It's mid- October !!!! I'm still trying to keep up!

There's so much going on in my life I haven't had time to blog and be connected with you all my wonderful support in this gluten filled world. I apologize for that. 
In 18 days it will be Halloween aka TIME FOR candy! 
In my office it's always time for candy =) lol ! 
I came across this list from and I thought I should share it with y'all !
How great is this list? Amazing right ! 
If you don't find a candy you are looking for GOOGLE it!!!!! Don't eat it because you think it's safe it because you know it's safe !
Better safe than sorry !
gluten free candy list.
in this case sharing is caring!
  feel free to email me -->
instagram Eliphant717
PS: www.Glutenfreewitheli.blogspot.comis moving to <---- the truth is I need to figure out how to post on there haha! I know GET TO STEPPIN ELI!!!! I will make it mission but until then you can read on here.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy CELIAC DISEASE Awareness Day

   Happy CELIAC DISEASE Awareness day!

As you all know Today is Celiac awareness day... well in my world that is everyday!!!
I constantly live free and celiac everyday!
I'm not alone in that journey anymore. 
I feel so blessed having such awesome people in my life...they help me educate others. There are times where I have to stick up for myself but it's gotten easier.

all we can do is EDUCATE<----

Don't Stress
Just know you are not alone :)



feel free to email me -->
instagram Eliphant717
PS: www.Glutenfreewitheli.blogspot.comis moving to <---- the truth is I need to figure out how to post on there haha! I know GET TO STEPPIN ELI!!!! I will make it mission but until then you can read on here.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Outward reactions

Outward reactions ARE real<----
We don't all have them....But I'd just like to address it.

I am in a  support group on Facebook and I asked the women....
"How many of you have dealt with outward reactions?"
you would be surprised at what they all had to say.
to sum it up at least 10 of the women that responded said "yes in one shape or form they have had them."

For example:
  • Age spots
  • Puffy eyes
  • Rash
  • Canker sores
  • Hair loss
  • Dermatitis
  • Edema
  • Itchy irratation
Sympotoms vary.... but those are a few OUTWARD REACTIONS.

 I read someone's blog and I was mad because they said we don't have outward reactions ....
(I'm sorry but everyone is different so her  writing that isn't helping a new person trying to figure out what to eat and what to do now that they have been diagnosed with celiac disease) And they even Quoted a "doctor" who said we don't have reactions!
ummm okay???!!! lets pause for a second.
I don't know if y'all remember my rant from a couple weeks back about doctors.
Here's a refresher. THEY AREN'T ALWAYS RIGHT!

I'm not saying that I am always right but I am saying I know my body!
I know when what happens when gluten has touched my body.

I put on a brand of gluten filled lipstick and my mouth turned into the nutty professor....
I put on gluten filled mascara and my eyes wouldn't stop running .....
I used gluten filled shampoo and my head literally was on fire.
 my reactions started after my body was clean from gluten.
I'd say about 2 years after I was diagnosed .
I just want to urge you stop and think...maybe the reason you are feeling off one day is
Be cause you used a GLUTEN filled lotion or whatever.

Don't you want your body to feel good ?
I don't know you all and I want your bodies to feel good!

Please be AWARE  of what you use.
ALWAYS read labels .
Go that extra mile for yourself!

Thank you for taking the time and reading my blog.

Xo eli
Ps:I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories!
please dont stop :)
PS: www.Glutenfreewitheli.blogspot.comis moving to

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Gluten free conscious box

Just call me Eli the explorer. Okay don't do that !!!
I love Instagram ! I have an addiction. I think hash tags are fun!
So every so often I will look up #glutenfree #celiacdisease and so on....I'm not sure if that's how I stumbled on or not but let me tell you about it now!

I absolutely love it!!!!!
Like it says on the website "Its Healthy, Natural Alternatives for Every Product in Your Life"

So far I have received July and August's conscious box and I think they are an awesome way to find new Gluten free products!
Something's I never herd of or thought of buying and now they are on my wishlist.

Inside my gf conscious box were things like 
Hydration factor 
Organic flavrz
Ultima replenishers
Chickenpoop Chapstick (lol) contains NO POOP!
Eye drops
Cleaners (for your dishwasher or dishes)
Toothpaste ;)
Tea,tea, tea and more Tea!
Mrm relax-all
Food bars 
.......And more

It's kinda like a subscription to a magazine you get billed once a month and it comes right to your home!
I Definitely would recommend this to anyone who could ! =) it's so worth the 20 bucks !

I wish I had found it  In the beginning of my gluten free journey. 
Go check it out. Let me know if you liked it :) 

What would you like to read about?

 I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories!
please dont stop :)
PS: www.Glutenfreewitheli.blogspot.comis moving to

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Happy August!!!!!
I can't believe it's already here!!!
Where does the time go???

Erika reached her goal on kickstart (that's awesome news)

I can't wait to get my hands on that book ;)
I'm addicted to books, even if I don't read them everyday.
You can ask my bestfriend Veronica she laughs at means says of course your buying a new book.
But in this books case I'm sure she's either going to purchase it also or hound me to finish it so she can read it too! ;)

In other news my PUBLIX (I know it's not MINE...but it's next to my job lol)  just started selling Glutino's chocolate chip cookies (  which I'm obsessed with <3 <3 <3
They also started selling Tyson's gluten free chicken nuggets ( ) and evol food ( and its name cracks me up) I haven't had time to try all the products yet but the teriyaki chicken was pretty good. :) so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I am sure they had alot more but my basket was starting to get heavy so i stopped shopping. just wanted to share because it made me happy.

while I couldn't sleep......I stumbled upon these fun facts which I have Posted on my Facebook already. In case you didn't see.....

I Hope I Make a difference in your eyes.....I hope you can  understand me a little more (and people like me)
I will continue to write and I will try not to let 3 weeks go by again.
I am aware this is a really short blog. My next one will be longer :)

thank you for reading I appreciate your support.

what would you like to read about?
 I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories!
please dont stop :)

instagram Eliphant717

PS: is moving to I will let you know as soon as everything is ready.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Truth of the matter is I'm Complicated

I live eat and breath gluten free
And it can be frustrating<------
I appreciate all the positive feed back on my blog I really do <3 .
When someone is dealing with celiac disease it can get exhausting repeating yourself.
I mean I love educating people about celiac disease ...
But there comes a day where I just wish I was NORMAL <--- Like the other day......
  I went to the gym with some girlfriends and as we are heading out they have a smoothie table set up...I already know those smoothies aren't gluten free so I don't bother but my friend stop and the guy on the corner of the table proceeds to ask me if I would like a smoothie I say "no thanks" ...he was very persistent..."are you sure bleh bleh bleh" ....I then ask does it contain Gluten (that's right I Used the G Word) and he looks dumbfounded ( just the look I wasn't in the mood for ) and then I smiled and said another polite pass he said he thinks they have something gluten free but at the store not in the samples. I commend him for trying at the end but i already felt defeated by GLUTEN. I hate feeling like a brat when I ask "does it contain gluten?" I shouldn't but I do  bleh bleh bleh and that look I get I really try to be positive...and Appreciate that I am Not alone anymore My Gluten free fam bam is there to share these moments with me.

what would you like to read about?
 I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories!
please dont stop :)
PS: is moving to

PPS. still needs our help! she has reached her first goal!
Keep it up! 


Friday, July 5, 2013

Vacation all I ever wanted!!!!!!!

(this blog is ALL ABOUT MY VACATION IN Puerto Rico)

a place....Full of ..... beautiful people and FOOD!!!! did I mention gluten free food too!

lets just say I ate ALOT OF RICE....RED BEANS....MOFONGO!!!!  Delish!!!

Day 1.
We got to play Tourist for the day (what am I saying for the WHOLE TRIP)

El Morro in San Juan PR


my Brother in law  Photo Robby

At the end of the day the whole family went to dinner. I was the only one Allowed to Eat MOFONGO because Everyone was going on the Mofongo and mojito Tour the next day. (YES THAT'S GLUTEN FREE BABY!!!!)
I didn't go on the tour because my Cousin was getting her black belt and I wanted to see her Kick BUTT!!!

Day 2.

we toured a little of old San Juan ...I left mid day with my Tio (uncle)

Andrea Hickson's Review:

The History & Culinary Mofongo & Mojito tour was a lot of fun.  We started out the History tour by walking throughout Old San Juan.  Our tour guide was informative and took time to stop and point out interesting facts about the landmarks in Old San Juan as well as the formation of Puerto Rico as a whole.  One of my favorite parts of the tour was walking outside the wall and coming back in through Calle Fortaleza.  The view was breathtaking.

When the waking tour was over, we participated in a cooking class where we learned to make Mofongo stuffed with chicken while enjoying a refreshing Mojito. Mofongo is made of fried, mashed, green plantains.  We each mashed the plantains ourselves with a mortar and pestle or "Pilon" and seasoned it with butter and garlic.  The meal was delicious and it was a perfect way to end our fun tour.

My counsin Geraliz recieved her black belt .after we got back to tio's house....everyone was there waiting for our road trip to RINCON!!!

Day 3. and Day 4.

SPA DAY!!!!! Courtesy of GetshoppedPR! We were pamperd all morning and afternoon.

Nails,feet,massage ! Can we say AMAZING?!

We took Millions of pictures,we laughed , we sang,we danced and we had one heck of a water fight!
This vacation might as well be my favorite vacation of all time....that's why I am sharing it with you all.
I actually just spoke with my tio over the phone and told him I dream of them all every night since I left.
What a beautiful feeling to be surrounded by amazing people who love you.

Side note: Elsie bought me some gluten free goodies just to make sure that I was taken care of! she's so amazing!

Don't you love me rockin my little Cousins sandals & eating my Gluten free veggie chips! 

I didn't want to leave. I miss my family so much.
until or next vacation.

thank you for reading xoxo

what would you like to read about?
 I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories please feel free to email me anytime :)
it really makes my day :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

shout out to Celiac and the beast!

My Vacation Blog is in the Works

So for the moment  I'm giving a quick Shout-out to my friend Erica !

she is working on a Book and she needs OUR help :)

Erica's Blog

She Rocks! please Check her Out and Help her out !

thank you for reading xoxo

what would you like to read about?
 I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories please feel free to email me anytime :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Attention Doctros ....Nurses....The world!

I know I said I wouldn't write until after my I Lied!!!!
You readers are my inspiration.



No celiac disease is not cancer....but its still very serious .

No there is not a cure . Just a diet for life!


Sometimes I wish I could shake the people of the world and say hey this matters!!!!! <----
Pay attention to me and  STOP LAUGHING AT ME !

Doctors in testing for Celiac why???why are you such a pain in the booty???
Price shouldn't matter if you want to get tested for celiac you should be able to get tested point blank!
Money shouldn't be a problem (especially if your insured and it covers the blood test)
 it's your life! especially if you have a relative that has CELIAC DISEASE !

why wouldn't you get tested? why would this be denied to you??? DEMAND IT!

If you test negative than good for you but if you're positive you can finally get to the root of your problem.

Doctors tend to say "oh no you don't need to get tested for that" <--- IGNORANCE I am Fed up!

this has happened to many of my friends family members in the Gluten-free community.
                                                                                                                            WE ARE FED UP!

::side note::
(Well Here's some news for you In august when I go for my Annual check up I will be asking my doctor to test me for all types of allergies just like Chrissy from
Why Because its my LIFE!)
( I love my doctor tho he will probably expect this from me.)

Doctors tend to overlook celiac disease why?
They think it's everything but Celiac!!

That's why we have so many people walking around without a clue they have Celiac.

That's why I am so passionate to spread awareness
Celiac disease is a "MOTHER" to all types of problems 
And celiac disease has over 300 symptoms !

so if your doctor says you dont have symptoms....THINK AGAIN PAL!!!!!!!

heres a list of a  few thanks to

Who'd Have thought and that is only listing A FEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I URGE my family to get tested all the time.
and that's really all I CAN DO.


thank you for reading xoxo

what would you like to read about?
 I LOVE when you email me and tell me your stories please feel free to email me anytime :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy birthday to me!!!

Today is my 25th birthday ;)! I feel incredibly cousin made me a gluten free vanilla and chocolate cake!
I had dinner with a lot of my close friends who I love so much!!!!!

I'm just so greatful!

I'm still figuring out how to blog pictures this week and next week are going to be busy for me.
I promise when I get back from vacation I will give my blog the TLC it needs so I can continue spearing awareness !

Until then feel free to email me !

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Confessions of a Celiac lol

The truth of the matter is I Hate cooking...

(lol this might make me lose some cool points )( OH WELL HONESTY IS KEY!)

I really do.
If I could I'd have a personal live in gluten free chef ....
Over the past couple of years of being gluten free people offer to cook for me. Which I absolutely love them for that. I KNOW I'M SPOILED!!!! 
I've had a lot of gluten free Spaghetti, lasagna, pancakes, French toast, meatloaf,meatballs,Cake,brownies cookies....but most of those things I didn't cook. Actually I'm Just now broadening my Horizons. 

A friend of mine asked me to blog about my favorite recipe and honestly it's super simple ...
Gf spaghetti ,prego traditional sauce and meat  <--- lol
Rice beans and chicken  <--- super easy
I've  bought recipe books...I lent two out and never asked for them back ..why BECAUSE I hate cooking! Lol I'm a mess.

there are a few recipes I would like to try and I PINKY promise once I Cook them I will post them up
until then...

I'll enjoy my bowl of GF SPAGHETTI

thanks for reading :)

what would you like to read about?

Outward reactions

Sorry about not posting last week I lost track of time really!!

May has come an Gone But Celiac disease will always stay!!

I just want to say thank you to my celiac family, Y'all did amazing spreading love and educating all last month let's keep it up!!!!!

I don't freaking care what non celiac people say...YOU CAN HAVE OUTWARD REACTIONS
 I accidentally bought the wrong bottle of shampoo !!!! And it had Wheat protein in it and me thinking I bought the right shampoo well I  lather my head up...suddenly my head is on "fire" I was like huh???? So I look at the bottle and it says Wheat<---- really Eli you bought the wrong shampoo! (Well that's my dyslexic moment of the day the bottles look exactly the same but say two very different things)
(little fun fact I do have dyslexia so I'm not knocking anyone down I promise)
(this is a bully free zone)  
any way ...I soaked my head under the faucet so head was still in recovery mode. 
I was so mad at myself ! 
SO YES OUTWARD REACTIONS DO HAPPEN!!!!!!!! <---- pay attention to the labels
I haven't had a Gluten (FOOD) accident in about 6 months....
ooooohh but the pain is unbearable I feel amazing off of gluten and it irritates me when people say they cheat <---- Why would you put your body threw that on purpose??
i just don't get it...
I'm gonna leave this short and sweet keep educating !!!
love y'all

Do any of you have outward reactions ???
Do you cheat? if yes WHY?????

what would you like to read about?

Friday, May 24, 2013


Never lose your passion<----

Always educate and embrace change.

Originally I was going to direct this blog to food.
My favorite topic !

BUT IN honor of MAY I felt I needed to spread light on celiac awareness. It seems that my passion for spreading awareness has heightened since April. After meeting Chrissy from ( who in case you didn't know is AMAZING! ) I was diagnosed 4 years ago, but honestly I've always felt so alone on this gluten free journey until Chrissy started a closed Facebook support group.
 These woman educate me on the daily. I'm so grateful to have them
!They have such PASSION and strength.
To top it off it feels amazing to have friends that feel or have felt exactly how I have felt...and fear what I fear...and get mad about things I get mad about.  
Something happened this last week I'm sure you all herd about it the Disney channel aired an episode on the Jessie show that bullied a kid with celiac disease well this really hurt my fellow gluten free family (we didn't choose to have celiac disease and it's not something we joke about ) the Disney channel respected the feelings of the fellow GF community and removed that episode from airing ... BUT later a comedian Decided to poke fun at us again by talking down at CELIACS around the world and reinacting the scene from the Disney channel .(not cool) A LOT of people still think that it's all in our heads ...or a made up disease ....MADE up....tell that to the years of me throwing up...tell that to the years of being misdiagnosed hurt us WE ARE DIFFERENT BUT WE ARE STILL HUMAN AND HAVE FEELINGS!
 CELIAC DISEASE can be triggered by something emotional that happens to you....Whether that be pregnancy, stress, divorce and whatnot it's life. life happens and you get the celiac disease and you got to keep moving!(that's what we have to do)

 Honestly people are so passionate for breast cancer awareness, HIV awareness ,childhood cancer awareness, diabetes's awareness,autism awareness ,ovarian cancer awareness lets add celiac disease to that list!!!!
I am very passionate about all of those. I feel like we aren't educated enough in all of those and more!!!! Its Ignorance<----- 
Eeekkkk tough subject I know.
My problem is I'd rather be brutally honest with you. like I am with my friends and my family.
I feel like we can all be a little ignorant and also we can lack empathy ! 
 it's so easy for us to forget about other people and situations they go through. Whether they are normal person or celebrity.... I actually had this argument with my best friend the other day it lasted about 30 minutes going back-and-forth back-and-forth And although she still didn't agree with me at the end she respected the fact that I stood by what I believed and understood my point of view and I respected the fact that she stood by what she believed and also understood her point of view... We took into account to what each other's said.

NOW If only the WORLD could do the SAME! Open your eyes, be the change!

if someone tells you they have an allergy to onions,Peanut butter , Fish , cucumber or WHATEVER.....
its there life and THEY MATTER ,Its my life and I MATTER !

Celiac disease isn't a food allergy it's an auto immune disease and it hurts!

I feel like I'm rambling and I'm sure I want to write more.
I'll leave it at that tho.
thank you for reading

what would you like to read about?